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Paul Skorpen

Paul Skorpen

Speaker & Explorer of Landscapes

Paul Skorpen (creator of this site), born in the United States in 1961, possesses academic qualifications in the fields of Philosophy and Sociology. Moreover, he dedicated two years of his life in Kathmandu to in-depth studies of shamanism and Buddhism. Fortuitously, he had the privilege to receive close tutelage from the renowned Christian mystic and healer, Daskalos, in the sun-drenched island of Cyprus. The invaluable six years spent alongside this enlightened master led Paul to embark on a path of healing and teaching himself. In 1996, he relocated to Germany and, alongside his wife, Birgit Aurell, founded the Theosis Institute. Over the past 26 years, Paul has passionately dedicated himself teaching healing and mysticism, organising annual seminars travels spanning locations such as Anatolia, the Holy Land, Egypt, and Patmos. Additionally, Paul has contributed to the cinematic production of the Lost Gospels in German, encompassing the Gospels of Thomas, Maria Magdalena, and the Gospel of Philip.” Paul can be reached over his websites (including this one which he created) www.theosis.com & www.tastepelerreisen.com.