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Dr. James Rietveld

Dr. James Rietveld


Currently an adjunct professor at California State University, Fullerton, Dr. James D. Rietveld received his PhD from Claremont Graduate University School, in Religious Studies in 2006, combining this discipline with History and Archaeology. His specialties include the History of Christianity in the Early, Medieval, and Byzantine periods, New Testament Studies and Greco-Roman religions. Also at Claremont, Rietveld minored in Islam and Hinduism, focusing upon Hindu goddess traditions in the latter field of concentration. Rietveld received both his Bachelor of Arts and his Masters of Arts in History at California State University Fullerton in 1991 and 1998. Rietveld is currently teaching in both the Comparative Religion and the History department at Cal State Fullerton. Every Wednesday night, Rietveld can be heard on his radio show entitled “Myth & Legend History & Religion” on Passionate Voices radio. Rietveld has published many articles and is now venturing into writing books as well. In 2012, Rietveld published a mini-book on the London fire of 1666 entitled “London in Flames.” “Artemis of Ephesus: Magic, Mysteries, and Sacred Landscapes” is Rietveld’s second book was released in November 2014 and is focused on deciphering the local beliefs of the city of Ephesus in connection to their famous goddess. Rietveld is currently working on his third book called: “Early Christianities: An Exploration of Diversity” to be published in 2016.